Same Day Essay is an online content provider that writes essays, papers, and other similar documents for students. While many writing services also offer writing help to business professionals and job seekers, academic writing appears to be the sole focus here. As part of the process of performing this review, we placed an order for a 5 page essay for an undergraduate student. The subject was character analysis of Juliet from Romeo and Juliet.We did not purchase any extras. The deadline was 7 days and we paid a little over 93 dollars. Keep reading to learn more about our experiences.
The first question in anybody’s mind, when using an online writing provider, is going to be about the quality of the writers. Unfortunately, based on our experience and what we observed reading other Same Day Essay Service Reviews writing quality is definitely a concern. The essay that we received was okay in terms of facts, but there was little insight. In addition to this, it was fairly clear from the writing and our communications that our writer was not a native English speaker. While this isn’t always an issue, it certainly impacted quality in this case.
We found the number of errors in the essay we received to be truly alarming. Because of this, we called customer support to ask for assistance in requesting a revision. We were under the impression that the revision should be free because it was due to mistakes on the writer’s and editor’s part. However, they were insistent that we did not qualify. We were also refused when we asked to escalate the matter to a supervisor. The lack of quality in the final product leads us to believe there is little editing or quality control happening.
Order Form: The order form was very disorganized and confusing. For example, when asking for academic level, we were given the choice of college, undergraduate, or graduate. It was never clear to us what the difference between college and undergraduate was, other than the fact that one was pricier than the other. In addition to this, the order form automatically opted us into some premium add ons that we were not interested in.
Prices: We found that the prices were only slightly below average. This was certainly not low enough to mitigate the quality issues we witnessed.
Pricing System: Academic level and deadline are the primary factors when determining price by page.
Payment Methods: The standard forms of payment are accepted on this website.
Same Day Essay offers a 15 percent off discount on first time orders. In addition to this, they have a bonus program where customers earn virtual credits that can be used towards future orders. We found the program to be a bit difficult to understand. They also send customers who sign up discounts via email. We did not find any promo codes on other websites though.
If you’ve read this far, you are waiting for the answer to one question. Is legit? Our impression is no. However, before we made our final determination, we wanted to be fair. So, we took the time to look up SameDayEssay customer reviews. Unfortunately our suspicions were confirmed. There were a handful of Same Day Essay testimonials on the website. As expected, those were positive. No complaints were found when we searched for Same Day Essay BBB.
Because SameDayEssay ratings are so low, we recommend using another writing service. There are too many quality issues to make this service worth paying for.
recommended this service
Positive: The support is friendly
Negative: I needed a lab report and ordered it from Same Day Essay. I liked the support team. I got the impression that the service is trustworthy and professional. I got in contact with them easily and placed an order with the deadline in 48 hours. When the deadline came, I didn't get my report. I called manager and he said that the writer needs one more hour. I agreed to wait, but 1.5 hours later it was still at the writer. The manager asked me to wait again. In the end, it was delivered 3 hours later after the deadline. I think that it's highly unprofessional!
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Brad commented:
Papers from Same Day Essay are delivered another day or two. Seems like they don't care about the deadlines at all.